
15647 Brookhurst St

Westminster CA 92683

Email:  info@StruongCosmetic.com

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Male Chest (Liposuction) Reduction

While men are often embarrassed by excess fatin the chest, it is a very common condition. One in three men complain ofhaving a chest that is larger than they prefer. The condition is called gynocomastia, but it is commonly referred to as “man boobs.” An enlarged chest can make it difficult to find shirts that fit or it can lead to embarrassment at the gym or swimming pool. NEOLiposculpture of the male chest is a simple 1 hour procedure. Patients are able to return to regular work and activities the following day and are back to the gym in a week or two. The results from male chest reduction can vary from moderate to dramati The more fat that is in the chest area, the greater the possible reduction.

Sample pictures.  Your results may vary

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