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Sculptra FaceLift Treatment:

Natural younger looking face with Sculptra treatment at Struong Cosmetic in Orange County, by an experienced Sculptra specialist doctor.

Sculptra is an injectable volumizing treatment that stimulates the build up of the body’s own collagen to smooth out lines and wrinkles and restore lost facial volume to give you a fuller, younger-looking face.

The improvement is gradual, long-lasting and gives you an entirely natural-looking fuller face. Clinical studies have shown that the results last for two years after the final treatment has been completed, significantly longer than other injectable treatment.

With Sculptra, you can restore facial contour and eliminate lines, wrinkles and sunken cheeks without resorting to face lifts or cosmetic surgery.

What is Sculptra?

The main ingredient of Sculptra® is poly-l-lactic acid, which has been successfully used in surgical operations for more than 25 years. Sculptra® was specially developed to repair facial scars and contour defects. Sculptra® is long lasting, biocompatible, and biodegradable.

Which parts of the face is it suitable for the treatment?

Sculptra® is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that can help to correct:

Deep folds between the nose and the mouth (nasolabial folds)
Folds around the corners of the mouth (marionette lines)
Sunken cheeks
Wrinkles and lines in the cheeks or chin
Deep scars

Why Sculptra?

The effect of Sculptra® cosmetic treatment is gradual and exceptionally natural looking. Two or three treatments are usually required, and the benefits may become noticeable after about six weeks. Clinical studies have shown that the results of Sculptra® can last for up to two years, which is considerably longer than many other injectable aesthetic treatments. Sculptra® is well tolerated. The main ingredient is biocompatible and biodegradable.

No allergy testing is needed before treatment.

How is Sculptra different?

A number of choices are available to you when you are deciding on treatment. Sculptra non-surgical cosmetic treatment has important advantages over the two main alternatives available, temporary filler treatments and permanent implants.

Filler treatments only reduce wrinkles and creases for a relatively short time. Although permanent implants can remain for years, they cant accommodate the changes in appearance that happen as you age. Sculptra® is also a far less invasive procedure than a face-lift or any other type of facial cosmetic surgery.

Sculptra is a volumising agent that reduces facial lines and wrinkles and helps to restore the fullness of your face by stimulating your own facial collagen production to replenish your skin and provide natural looking results. Once your treatment is complete, the results can last for up to 2 years.

The procedure

Prior treatment : numbing cream will be applied on the treating areas for 20 minutes.Treatment: pre-mixed Sculptra will be injected. The serie of injections on the treating areas will be performed by our Sculptra specialist doctor.
Post treatment : the doctor will then massage the treated areas to spread the product more evenly.

The treatment take about 30 minutes

Does the treatment hurt?

As with all injections, some discomfort is inevitable, and you may feel a brief burning sensation at the injection site. Topical aneasthetic wiil be applied to prevent any discomfort. Also, Sculptra will be mixed with aneasthetic which makes the treatment even more comfortable.

What happens after the treatment?
As your aftercare instructions will explain, for optimum effects massage the treated area twice daily for one month after treatment.

Are there any side effects?

The most common side effects are tenderness or pain, redness, bruising, swelling or bleeding at the injection site. These side effects generally disappear in 1-2 days. One possible delayed side effect with Sculptra® can be small bumps under the skin at the treated area. These may not be visible, and you may only notice them when you press on the treated skin. The bumps sometimes disappear of their own accord and can be avoid by post treatment massage. As with all procedures that involve an injection through the skin, there is risk of infection that easily prevent by avoid touching or apply any make up on the treated areas for at least 6 hours after the treatment.

Are the results from Sculptra treatment immediate?

Sculptra® takes time to work, with the results becoming noticeable after about six weeks.It may appear to have an effect immediately after your first treatment visit, but this is because of swelling from the injections and the water used to dilute Sculptra®. When the swelling goes down after a few days and the water is absorbed by your body, you may look as you did before treatment. Two or three treatments are usually necessary to obtain the desired result. However, unlike some other treatments that require refresher sessions, the results can last for up to two years after the end of your Sculptra® programme. The results can differ depending on age, wrinkling and the type of procedure used.

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